All stories by RASHME SEHGAL

After 2 years in power, BJP turns pan-Indian

After 2 years in power, BJP turns pan-Indian

Rediff.com19 May 2016

The Congress has been reduced to a C player in national politics thanks to its inability to read the pulse of the people, says Rashme Sehgal.

Even Congress will back GST bill: Jaitley

Even Congress will back GST bill: Jaitley

Rediff.com16 May 2016

The finance minister is "reasonably confident" that when it comes to the crunch, "it would be extremely difficult even for the Congress party to take a contrarian view" on the GST Bill.

'This is no time for confrontation'

'This is no time for confrontation'

Rediff.com13 May 2016

'I am not going to talk about fear and apprehension.' 'I can only talk about my expectation which at this moment is to bring back development and maintain that momentum in the coming months,' Uttarakhand Chief Minister Harish Rawat tells Rashme Sehgal for Rediff.com

'The drought is a policy induced disaster'

'The drought is a policy induced disaster'

Rediff.com12 May 2016

'Drought in the 1990s was essentially the drought of a poor India.' 'This 2016 drought is of a richer and more water-guzzling India.' 'The severity and intensity of the drought is not about lack of rainfall.' 'It is about the lack of planning and foresight, and criminal neglect.'

Why is this professor not allowed to teach?

Why is this professor not allowed to teach?

Rediff.com12 May 2016

Over 200 teachers from across India and abroad have written to Delhi University's vice-chancellor asking him to revoke Professor G N Saibaba's suspension so that he can rejoin his college.

Gandhis can expect more fire in Parliament over Agusta deal

Gandhis can expect more fire in Parliament over Agusta deal

Rediff.com5 May 2016

If Wednesday was any indication, the rest of the Parliament session will see the two sides scoring brownie points against each other, and the Gandhis can expect more enemy fire directed at them, says Rashme Sehgal.

Did the timber mafia cause the forest fires?

Did the timber mafia cause the forest fires?

Rediff.com2 May 2016

Fires are blazing across Jammu and Kashmir, the state of Uttarakhand and have reached the doorstep of Himachal Pradesh's capital city Shimla.

Congress hits Swamy obstacle in Rajya Sabha

Congress hits Swamy obstacle in Rajya Sabha

Rediff.com28 Apr 2016

'This man has aged, but does not know the difference between words spoken on the streets from those of spoken in Parliament.' 'He does not allow his hair to turn gray, so he hasn't learned or matured.' Rashme Sehgal reports on how Subramanian Swamy has riled the Congress yet again.

'Several monuments are under serious threat'

'Several monuments are under serious threat'

Rediff.com28 Apr 2016

'At one of the UK's best known museums, one of our greatest sculptures had been placed next to a public toilet.' 'This perception that art antiquities are better looked after in the West is one created by the cultural elite of our country.'

Why 9 Manipuri mothers refuse to bury their sons

Why 9 Manipuri mothers refuse to bury their sons

Rediff.com26 Apr 2016

Nine young men killed in police firing last August have become symbols of oppression of the tribals of Manipur.

'Kohinoor, a symbol of British loot'

'Kohinoor, a symbol of British loot'

Rediff.com22 Apr 2016

Though it would be wonderful for Indians to have the Kohinoor and Peacock Throne displayed in all its glory at the Red Fort, it seems unlikely that the British will part with the Kohinoor in a hurry.

Month after Kakrapar N-plant leak, questions arise on AERB's role

Month after Kakrapar N-plant leak, questions arise on AERB's role

Rediff.com19 Apr 2016

'When the cause of the leak is identified, is the AERB going to order a shutdown of all the other pressurised heavy water reactors in the country to fix the underlying problem?'

Crores of illegal money flows into poll-bound states, TN tops list

Crores of illegal money flows into poll-bound states, TN tops list

Rediff.com18 Apr 2016

The Election Commission has a fight on its hand as candidates use ingenious methods to smuggle in money to Voters.

Wonder what it's like to travel on India's fastest train?

Wonder what it's like to travel on India's fastest train?

Rediff.com14 Apr 2016

Rashme Sehgal took a ride on the Gatimaan Express for you.

'India must be prepared for a 100-year war with Pakistan'

'India must be prepared for a 100-year war with Pakistan'

Rediff.com11 Apr 2016

'Pakistan has responded with appropriate contempt -- hrowing our national dignity into the waste paper basket.'

Panama leaks have taught the Indian rich a lesson

Panama leaks have taught the Indian rich a lesson

Rediff.com7 Apr 2016

'Given the past record, no one will be prosecuted, especially since the beneficiaries comprise the most powerful people in the country. They will pay a fine and be let off.'

'For AMU, minority status is a life and death issue'

'For AMU, minority status is a life and death issue'

Rediff.com5 Apr 2016

'The HRD minister said AMU was not a minority institution. I told her the matter would be settled in court.' 'The prime minister did not say anything so categorical. He heard me out very sympathetically. His body language was very different.' 'AMU has ABVP. I did receive a letter from them asking why you are constantly brandishing your service to the country. My reply is: Why shouldn't I?' 'I served the country for 40 years and I am very proud of this service performed for my country.'

Saving the girl child, one village at a time

Saving the girl child, one village at a time

Rediff.com30 Mar 2016

Sarpanch leaders are changing Rajasthan for the girl child, says Rashme Sehgal.

'The BJP has behaved disgracefully'

'The BJP has behaved disgracefully'

Rediff.com29 Mar 2016

'This is about demolishing all that we have stood for as a nation after Independence. This is an attack on the nation's very foundation.'

Did Cabinet okay Pak JIT visit to Pathankot?

Did Cabinet okay Pak JIT visit to Pathankot?

Rediff.com26 Mar 2016

'Will Pakistan allow R&AW and Indian armed force officers access to roam around their strategic bases?' 'Is there any precedent anywhere in the world of such permissions being granted?'

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